Drol Kar is celebrating on October 26th with invited guests, members and friends attending a Puja with Sangha at 10.00 am to 12 pm. Then Drol Kar opens to the general public from 12 pm to 3 pm for Q&A session, visual displays, meditation and plenty of opportunities to reminisce or find out more.
Time to reconnect. Give us a call. Join in the celebrations.

Drol Kar Buddhist Centre’s very existence today is greatly attributable to the generosity and kindness of Geshe Sonam Thargye.
A group of Tibetan Buddhist students who were regularly meeting in Barwon Heads met Geshe Sonam through Geshe Sonam’s sponsor when he resided at Sera Jey monastery in India, where he gained his Geshe Lharampa Degree, equivalent to a Professor’s Doctorate . The group requested Geshe Sonam teach them in 1999 and thus sprung forth the first humble Drol Kar Buddhist Centre in what was a previous shop fronting Verner St. East Geelong.
Geshe Sonam and the Drol Kar committee worked towards establishing a larger Buddhist centre in Moolap, Geelong and providing a resident teacher Venerable Tashi Nawang whilst Geshe Sonam founded Nying Jey Projects which supports nuns, monks and children in Tibetan communities. Geshe Sonam developed a direct relationship with His Holiness the Dalai Lama when seeking refuge in Dharamsala in India. Geshe Sonam requested His Holiness give teachings at Skilled Stadium in Geelong in 2002 and whilst here His Holiness blessed the Geelong based Drol Kar Buddhist Centre. The organisation of the visit was partly undertaken with the assistance of the Drol Kar committee, friends and members.
Growth in demand for a yet larger Buddhist Centre soon prompted another move in 2005, this time to the beautiful property of Tushita Paraparap situated between the coastal towns of Torquay and Angelsea and rural Moriac. Yet again His Holiness came to Geelong to teach upon the request of Geshe Sonam and the new Drol Kar Buddhist Centre received His Holiness’ blessings again in 2007.
In 2013, Geshe Sonam Thargye supported by the Drol Kar Buddhist Centre and Quang Minh Temple was delighted to present a day long teaching by His Holiness in Melbourne on Wednesday 19 June. His Holiness taught on the Heart Sutra and Eight Verses of Mind Training. The teaching was conducted at the Quang Minh Temple in Braybrook, Melbourne with the support of the Drol Kar Buddhiat Centre and the Quang Minh community.
Drol Kar Buddhist Centre is a not for profit Incorporated Association with the sole purpose of providing Tibetan Buddhist teachings, dharma practice, meditation and study, in the Mahayana tradition.
Resident teacher Venerable Jampa Drolma offers regular Buddhist philosophy classes with senior students facillitating meditation and introductory classes.
Venerable Geshe Sonam Thargye
Geshe Sonam Thargye is Spiritual Director of Drol Kar Buddhist Centre and oversees the Drol Kar committee of management.

Puja held on the morning of 26 October 2019.